Saturday, September 24, 2011

If you are trying to solve LOB Integration problems using BizTalk 2010


“Microsoft BizTalk 2010: Line of Business Systems Integration “ 


I am sure that most BizTalk Architects, Developers, and Administration will agree that BizTalk Server 2010 is a collection of Tools and Services that can be used to solve many Business Problems. The most common problem is Integrating Systems that have no direct means of communication. These are usually the core business systems.

There are several good BizTalk reference books available, but only one of them addresses BizTalk's Integration capabilities. That book is Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010: Line of Business Systems Integration. This book is more than just another reference book. It starts where the published WCF LOB Documentation leaves off. Each chapter is like a training session.

The chapters in this book are very diverse. They range for developing custom WCF LOB Adapters using the WCF LOB Adapter SDK to integrating with Each chapter provides a through description of the LOB Adapter and step-by-step instructions in its use. There are several examples of how the LOB Adapter can be used to solve real business problems. There is source code available for each of the examples.

BizTalk is a complex product that can be overwhelming to those just starting to work with it. I have been working with BizTalk for over nine years and still am still overwhelmed with its capabilities. You can't be an expert on all that BizTalk offers. Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010: Line of Business Systems Integration has provided me with answers to questions that help me solve my client's LOB Integration problems.

The authors are highly recognized as the "LOB Integration Experts". Although I don't know them personally, I have communicated with them and avidly follow their blog postings.

If you are trying to solve LOB Integration problems using BizTalk 2010, Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010: Line of Business Systems Integration is a must buy.

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